How To Host Your Css/Js On Google Drive For Your Situs Web Or Blogger

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Do you want to save bandwidth? or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your blogger? For blogger you must need to have a files hoster or CDN, I will recommend you google drive, to host your file. It is FREE, and working as CDN too. So don't worry about this duduk perkara, I have the solution here for you. All you need to have a Gmail account. And then upload your files to google drive and make it accessible for anyone, and just place its URL inside your website HTML file.

How to Host Stylesheet and Javascript files on Google Drive

Before the Bootstrap CSS
 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
HTML Code without Bootstrap

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Step 1:
Login to your google drive, and upload your CSS and JS files.
Step 2:
Once your files uploaded, you have to share it with anyone, change its sharing property.
 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Right click on the file you uploaded, then click Share.

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Now choose advanced.

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Now change "Who has access" from private to public

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
First, choose Public on the web, and choose anyone Can View.

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Now Copy the Link and click Done
Step 3:
Now its time to make direct download link for your google drive file.
How to generate Google Drive Direct link
Just visit and generate direct link by pasting the copied link and once the link generated to copy the output direct link.

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger
Step 4:
Now add the copied URL to your HTML file and check its output. You will find that bootstrap stylesheets start working.
 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger

 or want to save stylesheets or javascript files for your  How To Host Your CSS/JS On Google Drive For Your Website or Blogger

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